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Tampilkan postingan dengan label Lovebird. Tampilkan semua postingan

Kalibrasi Suara Lovebird agar ngekek panjang

haloo lovebird mania, bagaimana kabaranya? mudah-mudahan sehat..baik kali ini admin akan membagikan sedikit trik mengkalibrasi suara lovebird agar ngekeek panjang.. cekidooot bray :D
mengkalibrasi lovebird agar maksimal suaranya. banyak
dari lovebird mania yang merasa bingung kenapa
lovebird ngekek panjang ketika sendirian dan kenapa
lovebird di rumah ngekek panjang dan di lapangan pendek pendek. ahaaaa

cara menambah/memperpanjang durasi ngekek lovebird lomba

durasi memang menjadi tolak ukur juri dalam menilai lovebird
lomba tentu dari gaya dan volume pun termasuk dalam penilaian
juri kerapetan suara lovebird tapi yang paling mendominasi
adalah panjang pendek suara ngekek lovebird tersebut

pasti sobat bertanya bagaimana mengkalibrasi suara anakan lovebird agar
ngekek panjang selain dari pemasteran tentu dari indukan
lovebird itu sendiri di mana warisan dari orang tua si lovebird
tapi itu hanya bekal masih harus kita melatihnya agar suara lovebird
lebih maksimal dalam durasi ngkek dan nagen saat lomba kuncinya
adalah perawatan lovebird bakalan atau anakan. jika lovebird
untuk memaksimalkan suara ngekek lovebird anakan /balibu
kunci pemasteran adalah poin utama selain itu jaga lovebird
di birahi yang tepat ini juga salah satu poin penting

untuk lovebird anakan bila di bawah umur dua bulan berikan pakan
dan EF yang teratur dan bernutrisi tinggi jangan dulu di berikan
millet saja biarkan pakan campuran hingga lovebird berumur 2,5
di umur 2,5 biasanya lovebird sudah mulai nekek dan mulai nakal

berikan pakan millet putih saja dan tetap di berikan EF mingguan
seperti jagung muda dan daun kangkung agar lovebird bakalan
tetap sehat dan rajin ngkeke durasi penjemuran sudah bisa di sesuaikan
dengan karakter burung lovebird sobat

cara memperpanjang ngekek lovebird

master-master dan master ini adalah kunci dasar untuk memaksimalkan
suara burung lovebird cari lovebird dari indukan yang memiliki durasi
ngekek yang cukup panjang akan ada kemungkinan lovebird sobat
ngekek lebih panjang dari lovebird yang lain

manfaat kuaci buat lovebird untuk memperpanjang ngekek lovebird

kuaci memang kaya akan nutrisi mineral.kalsium,kalium,fosfor yang
sangat di butuhkan oleh anakan burung lovebird agar memiliki
fisik yang lebih prima dan selalu sehat tapi berikan secukupnya
karena dapat menyebabkan OB pada lovebird dewasa

agar suara lovebird keras dan ngekek panjang 

untuk melatih volume burung lovebird sebaiknya tidak memelihara
1 burung anakan jadi siapkan 2 atau 3 dan memiliki umur yang berbeda
sehingga lovebird akan mempelajari suara burung lovebird lain yang
memiliki suara lebih nyaring dan keras

demikianlah lovebirdmania, cara mengkalibrasi suara lovebird agar ngekek panjang, mudah-mudahan bermanfaat

What Do Lovebirds Like To Eat ?

hello guys, i will share about " what do lovebirds like to eat ", ok lets read please..
Its name is quite unique, lovebird or we often call it a love bird. Lovebird is a bird species from Africa that if we put a pair of lovebird in the cage then they will always be together and sticky like a pair of lovers. Its size is small with colorful fur, a special attraction of the bird of love. If you want to keep lovebird, the following list of foods will be very useful.

1. Millet
The staple food of the usual lovebird is a mixture of white millet and red millet. Millet is a feed that is usually given to the seed-eating birds. Its cheap price, good nutritional content and highly favored by birds, makes it very popular among lovebird keepers. Millet can also be presented in the form of sprouts that will make it easier for birds to eat it.
2. Seed Kenari
In addition to millet, walnut seeds are also excellent food for pet birds. Seed-loving birds like lovebirds are very fond of canary seeds or canary seeds. In addition presented in a dry form, you can also turn a walnut seed into a miniature like a millet. The sprouted walnut seeds have better nutrition for lovebirds. 

3.Seed Oat
Not only beneficial to us, oat or oat seed is excellent for lovebird feed. High carbohydrate and protein content is very good for birds that have just given birth and are taking care of their children. Oat seeds are also believed to help the pain recovery process more quickly and increase the weight of birds who have difficulty in gaining weight. In addition he can also fix the structure of skin tissue and feathers of the bird, improve the work of the digestive organs to make birds more calm and not easily stressed.

4.Seed Mustard
Who would have thought that the mustard seeds contain excellent nutrients for lovebirds. This feed will always have mixed feed of love birds because it tastes delicious and will not make the birds become overweight. High protein and omega 3 content is very good for your lovebird flower growth that is still in the process of growth

5. Juwawut
Juwawut has a very good benefit for lovebird because it contains 75% carbohydrate which is a source of energy and 9.8% as a source of protein. In addition, the limestone content contained in it is very good to help the mother birds are laying eggs to always be healthy and excellent. The shape of this juwawut is round with a reddish color, just like millet.

6.Grain of Red Rice
In choosing corn for lovebird feed, you should choose sweet corn. This sweet taste is very liked by lovebirds. In addition to favored by this bird, sweet corn can also maintain eye health, boost immunity so as not easily attacked by disease and even develop and strengthen the bird muscles. However, do not give sweet corn too often because it can make lovebird suffer from obesity. 
7. Apple
Lovebird prefers apples that are red in color compared to green apples. This is because red apples have a sweeter taste. Apples can actually help increase the stamina of birds to avoid various diseases. In the presentation, you should peel the apple first and wash it clean so that the remaining pesticides in the apple can be lost. 

8. Bean sprouts
Similar to apples, bean sprouts are believed to provide more stamina to the lovebird so they can be more active, healthy and often chirping beautifully. Soy bean seeds that have germinated nausea have higher nutrients and more complete nutrition. Surely you want a lovebird that can be kept chirping loudly and long right? 

9. Kangkung
Kangkung become food mainstay for the birds chirping, one of them lovebird. Kangkung with a variety of nutritional content, can increase the lust of the birds so he will be more diligent chirping. This trick is often done before lovebird in a race in a chirp race. However, be careful in the provision of water spinach because it is not good given to the parent birds who are taking care of their children.

10. Mustard
Lovebird enough fruits and fresh vegetables, one of them mustard. Sawi can be used as an additional food for lovebird that is useful to keep the feathers in order to always shine. Giving of mustard can be alternated in accordance with the taste of the bird. Do not forget to keep applying a balanced diet so that all lovebird nutrition can be met well for optimal growth. 

Source: http://cintaihidup.com 

Farming Lovebird

Hello friend, now i will share about farming lovebird, so, please step by step...
Budgies(also called Lovebirds) breeding may sound like a great hobby and it is! However you need lots of knowledge! You also need to make all of the budgies happy and healthy to make a happy family.
In this article,I am going to share my experience on how to properly breed Lovebirds.

Part 1 to 6:Selecting the breeding pairs

1.Find a suitable breeding pair:
 The pair must be older than 12 months old but younger than four years old. They should be healthy and have no deformities such as splayed legs or any infections.
2.Ensure that the breeding pair eats healthy,balanced diet consisting of good quality seed,fresh fruits and vegetables,grains etc.
3.Wait for budgies to adjust to the new surroundings for four weeks if they are purchased recently and let them bond.

Part 2 of 6:Setting of the breeding area

1.Use suitable cage:
Choose one that is approximately two feet wide. The cage should be wider than it is tall (why because,budgies fly horizontally), square-topped and have at least three doors: one for the food dish, on for the water dish, and one for you to easily access the cage. You might need to cut a small hole in the cage for the nest box to fit from outside.You can even place the nest box inside the cage but it becomes difficult to access the nest box.
2.Get all the items needed:
You will likely need: perches, a few toys for the male budgie,feeder dishes and water dishes, a cuttle bone, liquid calcium(two of these calcium sources at least), a mineral block(salt spools), extra food and water dishes to
put on the ground of the cage when babies start flying.

Part 3 of 6:Adding a nest box

1.Make a good size of nest box:
Good dimensions are: (9" (H) X 6" (W) x 7" (D) ) with an entry hole of 2 inches diameter.

Part 4 of 6:Breeding

Do not disturb the budgies. They will do their thing in their own time, but disturbing them and constantly looking over them is not going to help. You may not catch them mating,let them do their work.

2.When eggs come,wait until each one is five days old and then candle them:
You can find candling steps online.This step is optional.

Part 5 of 6:Caring of chicks

Check regularly:
The chicks will eventually hatch so it is very important that you check the nest box daily. Try to do this when the mother bird is out for eating.
Gently check the chicks over for injury,air bubbles in the crop (the sack at the base of the chick's neck).
Check whether that the crop is full.
Make sure no food is stuck inside the top of the upper mandible (top of the beak). If there is food, gently pick it away.
Clean off poop and food from around the toes, beak, eyes, and other body parts with a soft cotton and warm cloth.
Remove any dead chicks.

2.Clean the nest box regularly:
When the hen is out for eating, remove the chicks and eggs to a small container lined with soft paper towels,and then clean it.
3.When chicks reach 3 weeks old,provide them some food(soft food)each day. The babies may take a bite or two,mimicking to mother.This helps in weaning process later on,when chicks starts flying.

Part 6 of 6:Flying Time

1.When chicks finally fly at the age of 28 - 35 days old, put a dish of seed and another separate dish of water at the bottom of the cage. Though the father bird feeds them entirely at this stage, you want to encourage them to start eating solid food as soon as possible. It is also a great idea to provide a bowl of chopped fresh fruits and vegetables- flying birds love to explore and try new things!
2.Remove the nest box:
When the last chick starts flying then remove the nest box immediately or seal the hole of nest box.
Separate the mother bird from father otherwise they will start the new clutch,and this will be stress full job for parent birds.  
3.It's the time to name babies:
After one month you will be able to recognize whether the bird is male or female.
Give plenty of healthy food and water everyday,so that you will have happy budgies family.

That is, an article about good lovebird breeding measures. Hopefully useful

Sumber : http://www.farmingfunda.com

Kontes Burung Danasri Bird Comunity 19 Juli 2017

Hallo lovebird mania, mudah2an dalam keadaan baik dan sehat selalu, kali ini saya akan merangkum kegiatan kontes burung yang diadakan di New Danasrih Bird Comunity (DBC) Cilacap pada hari Rabu, 19 Juli 2017.
Langsung saja Cekidooottt!!!
Kelas Lovebir Paud DBC
1 ratu terong, jilal dedi dp, abc bf bms
2 klenting kuning, terry, jmb bc jt jajar
3 lina line, himawan, gombong
4 cheese, won, won sf
5 gajah mungkur, apotik bng, sembara team
6 nn
7 raizel, khairul cbf, karpak bc
8 monalisa, frendi, kebumen
9 cepe, jokitampang
10 jelita, nofian, keaugihan

Kelas Pleci Bintang
1 olive, ssoson, pl kroya
2 kalkulus, ozy, pl kroya
3 marizen, canat, pl kroya
4 jam,s bon, afdal kawer, balung cilik

Kelas Lovebird Bintang Sangkar
1 sinden, mr rofia skj, bintang g bc
2 atika 007, warno luraeh, algojo team
3 mk, fendi, sampang
4 mika, nanang, sibalung
5 sangrilla, p man, pkc sf
6 d difty, mr budi, pjsf smph
7 sekar, boncel, bcl bf bms
8 ratu bawel, atha, kroya
9 diva, sigit, bms
10 nom nom, kardi, karpak bc

Kelas Cucak Ijo Sangkar
1 rocker, saring, salandaka smph
2 midory, dbs dieng club
3 raja d jadul, agung, gmbc,
4 bila, mudi, penggalang
5 nn
6 trimbil, win s, wins sf
7 raja bejo, yuan, sikampuh
8 nn
9 toretto, afif, chodek sf
10 palasara, baming, pkmc

Kelas Murai Batu Bintang Sangkar
1 blakasuta, aan w, kroya,
2 bm, mr goen, dieng club
3 mini coper, agoes, max canary
4 nn
5 lorosae, poel poel, akm maendem adipala
6 rahwana, anwar, baladewa team
7 pbs singal trans, ngaliman, sibalung
8 starman, r yat, mujur
9 jono, budi, indo motor
10 damar wulan, dj aziz, sniper

 Kelas Kacer Bintang Sangkar
1 hantu laut, ir mulyono, pbg
2 vagansa, yuel, dieng club
3 kayana, mgm sf, kw 10
4 dozer, fendi, sampang
5 mk, sigit, kroya
6 bajak laut, ir mulyono, pbg,
7 antasena, mr sigit, n sf
8 keris samudra, pnc, dieng club
9 nn
10 nn

Kelas Kenari DBC
1 yelow, osaya bf, wesi sf
2 naga puspa, mr rosad, seva
3 serdadu, mas elfat, k waru sf
4 dungpret, dwiatmaja, awg sf
5 baby alien, Didoz bintang g bc, xl kaosku
6 cakra, yoel, dieng club

Kelas TL Bintang
1 raja muda, eka, tlmc
2 zorro, vian, tlmb
3 luke, bagyo, tlmb
4 conor, triono, tlmb
5 silver stone, d jati, x bagor
6 maghrib, amin, tlmc

Kelas Colibri Bintang
1 unyil, anggil, selanegara
2 bisma, toyo, knkc tambak

Kelas Cucak jenggot bintang
1 suster, caesar, vivek sf
2 dona, aries motor, smph

Kelas Lovebird Bintang
1 vanila, lingsang, bkm sf
2 tugimin, dedy japung, sembara team
3 zyilla, sulisetiyo, grkm team
4 ratu terong, jilala dedi dp, abc bf bms
5 kendedes, damancarwasti, algojo team
6 nn
7 diva, koddok, petruk sf
8 mr guez, q taro, dt milet sakti
9 mr goen, roro, dieng club
10 gajah mungkur, apotik bng, sembara team

Kelas Cucak Ijo DBC
1 gajah mada, budi, smph
2 kolor ijo, ud budi makmur, danasri
3 raja bejo, mr juan, sikampuh
4 nn
5 cengek, dikun, chodek sf

Kelas Lovebird DBC
1 perry, oraya bf, wesi bf
2 susi, cipto, satrio bayang kara
3 sinden, mr rofiq, bintang g bc
4 wibi29, ocang dix, petruk sf
5 silvi, robet tbk, tambak
6 ratu bawel, atha, kroya
7 nn
8 zara, yudi waris, kli r 011
9 mika, nanangm sibalung
10 mustika pansel, alfajri, karpak bc

Kelas Murai Batu DBC
1 bm, mr guen, dc
2 ronggeng, alin, klumprit
3 baja hitam, leor, bunton
4 ancaman, nur, dc

Kelas Kacer DBC
1 hantu laut, ir mulyono, pbg
2 keong racun, anto, sembara team
3 harta karun, kroya

Kelas Kenari DBC
1 serdadu, alfat kr waru sf
2 nn

 Demikian Rangkuman Kegiatan Kontes Burung Yang Dilaksakan Oleh New Danasrih Bird Comunity (DBC) Cilacap. mudah-mudahan bermanfaat. Terima Kasih
Credit To New Danasrih Bird Comunity (DBC) Cilacap, Tombel DBC


Vitamin burung lovebird

Hallo Lovebird mania, gmana kabar burungnya? mudah2an selalu dlm keadaan sehat dan strong, kali saya akan memberikan tips kepada burung lovebird mania yang mungkin susah bunyi, haha mungkin karena malu yah,(kidding bro),
jadi gini yah, Untuk Lovebird yang tidak mau bunyi atau macet bunyi, saya menyarankan untuk memberikan vitamin berupa Testo Bird Booster. Testo Bird Booster sendiri mengandung semua jenis vitamin esensial untuk pembentukan testosteron, hormon stimulan testosteron, dan zinc.

Cara penggunaan vitamin Testo Bird Booster

Testo Bird Booster dilarutkan dalam air minum burung. Untuk satu ekor Lovebird, Anda bisa memberikan Testo Bird Booster sedikit saja, seukuran kepala pentol korek api, kemudian dicampur ke dalam 30cc-50cc air (wadah air minum ukuran normal).

Testo Bird Booster bisa juga dicampur dengan pakan, tapi takarannya setengah kepala pentol korek api, kemudian dicampur satu sendok teh kroto atau taburkan di atas buah atau sayuran.

Selain itu, Anda juga bisa mencampurkan Testo Bird Booster ke jangkrik atau serangga lain. Caranya, Testo Bird Booster diletakkan di sendok kecil, lalu beri 1-2 tetes air dan oleskan ke tubuh jangkrik atau serangga lain.

Agar maksimal, berikan Testo Bird Booster selama 3 hari berturut-turut (sehari 1 kali). Kalau Lovebird sudah mulai berkicau, kurangi takarannya menjadi 1-2 kali seminggu.

Satu hal yang perlu Anda ingat, sebaiknya larutan Testo Bird Booster tidak digunakan setelah dicampur lebih dari 4 jam dan larutan Testo Bird Booster tidak boleh terkena sinar matahari secara langsung. Oh iya, Lovebird yang diperbolehkan menggunakan Testo Bird Booster adalah Lovebird yang berusia di atas 3 bulan.

Harga  Testo Bird Booster tidak mahal-mahal amat dibawah Rp. 100.000 untuk kemasan botol 25 gram. Nah, karena ini bukan iklan, silakan Anda mencari sendiri Testo Bird Booster di toko online kepercayaan lovebird mania.
Nantinya, jika Lovebird sudah bisa kembali ngekek panjang dan tidak sering ngeruji maka penggunaan Testo Bird Booster bisa dihentikan.

Demikian beberapa cara ampuh mengatasi Lovebird tidak mau bunyi saat lomba. Semoga bermanfaat

Info lomba lovebird dan lainya Juli Agustus 2017

Hallo lovebird mania, kali ini saya akan memposting brosur kontes burung kicauan nusantara yang akan diselenggarakan dikota Lamongan, bekasi, pengandaran Jaksel dan tanggerang.. siapkan burungmu :D

a. Pangandaran 13 Agustus 2017

 b.Tanggerang 6 Agustus 2017

 c. Bekasi 13 Agustus 2017

d. Jakarta Selatan 6 Agustus 2017

itulah kontes burung nusantara, mudah2an bermanfaat. jika bermanfaat silahkan SHARE